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Artificial Grass
Artificial Grass

The Benefits of Artificial Grass

There are numerous reasons to do away with natural grass and go with artificial grass.

Lawn maintenance can be one of the things that a lot of home owners just hate doing. When there is a lot of rain the lawn can easily become water logged and muddy, and when rain is scarce, the lush greenery turns to dirty of shade of brown and becomes straw like in its texture, which is not the best look for your yard. It is for these reasons among others that many homeowners have made the decision to do away with the grass altogether and invest in artificial grass. The benefits of this decision are numerous.

Looks Great All Year Round

Artificial grass is created from synthetic man-made fibers. The overall look of the grass is incredibly similar to regular grass and it would be difficult to tell the difference with the naked eye. However, unlike natural grass artificial grass does not require a high level of maintenance. There is no need to be constantly mowing the lawn, and you won’t be faced with uneven growth or bare patches on your lawn. Artificial turf will give the opportunity to have a perfectly manicured lawn all year round!

Perfect for Drought Climates

The most important benefit of artificial grass is the water saving. Your artificial grass will not need high levels of water to keep it looking great. Even in extremely hot weather where water is scarce the grass will carry on looking lush and green without any input from you. You won’t see any discolouration at all! On top of that you can expect to see a drop in your water bills. Previously when there has been little rainfall you may have felt the need to water your lawn to try and prevent it drying up and turning brown, but this need will be completely eliminated thanks to artificial grass.

Environmentally Friendly

Natural grass needs a lot of tender loving care to keep it looking smart, but artificial grass needs one of this. Already you know that you don’t need to worry about mowing or watering it, but there are a few other benefits. Artificial grass is extremely environmentally friendly because there is no need to use herbicides, pesticides or insecticides. This means that your home will be safe from these kind of chemicals and also you won’t be letting off any harmful fumes into the air.

Cost Effective

Products such as fertilizer and herbicides can be pretty expensive so if you are wondering whether spending out on artificial grass is really worth it, remember that you will be saving a lot of cash in the long run, making it a very cost effective choice. 

Find your local Artificial Grass Contractor in our Home Improvement Guide >>

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